Hi There!

My first post on WordPress!

My husband and I have been together since 2006. We met on Myspace lol. He is in the Air Force and we were married in 2010. I have my bachelors degree in History with a minor in Psychology. We have dealt with many ups and downs, including miscarriages, long separations and the loss of my mother. Losing a parent is extremely hard and feels like you have lost part of your identity. We are dealing with infertility but hopefully some day we will have our miracle baby. We are stationed at JBLM in Washington but just found out we have orders to get us back to Virginia!!! I was born and raised in VA and I can’t wait to get back! It’s a different part of Virginia then I am used to but that is what adventure is all about!!


I’m not sure how WordPress works but I’m hoping to connect with people and gain support. I am coming from Xanga and I miss the community there once was.

About airforcewife522

Life as an Air Force wifey. Been together for seven years, married for three. We have been stationed in Washington these past few years but soon will be apart for a year while my love is in Korea. Hopeful for the future at our next base in Virginia!
This entry was posted in Air Force Wife, Infertility, Military Wife, Miscarriage. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to Hi There!

  1. Alisha says:

    Infertility is so hard. I hope it’s your turn for a miracle baby soon!

    • Thank you so much! Sorry I didn’t respond sooner. I’m still trying to figure out how this WordPress stuff works! It’s mind boggling after I’ve been on Xanga for the past ten years lol

  2. Yay for Air Force Wives!! And Myspace! I met someone on there and we dated for a while, ahhh the good old days of myspace lol 🙂

    • Oh yes, Myspace was something else! Now it’s just there for music. The days of “we met on Myspace” are over and Facebook cannot compete! Now it’s “E-Harmony” or “I want a Farmer” lol. I never thought I would meet the man I was going to marry on the internet but it all worked out =)

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